Sunday, February 22, 2009

True Crime or the Case of the Missing Tortoiseshell

Last summer my companion cat, also know as the "back up kitty" disapeared one afternoon. If Pandas were in charge, something like this may just possibly have happened, don't ya think? Personally I can't watch one of those PBS mystery shows without thinking of this any time some one refers to "Panda Cars".
Panda On!

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

The Right to Arm Bears

Stay tuned for more about bears with guns.



Sunday, February 15, 2009

Any time I have to get on an airplane, I'm always amused and annoyed by all the new fees and restrictions on what you can bring on the plane. What will they think of next?

Cheers, Miz B

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Dear readers. I don't know WHAT my mom was thinking when she drew this cartoon. I find it highly offensive, if I do say so myself. I don't know any self respecting cats that would allow themselves to be used this way. Of course, if it did get me closer to bird level, it MIGHT be OK. .... Nah, I don't think so.

Panda On!


Friday, February 6, 2009

Your brain on what??????

Mehitabel writes: Chances are, that if you are reading this blog, you might be too young to remember that commercial about drugs. It showed a very serious man who held an egg, and says,"this is your brain" Then he cracks the egg into a sizzling hot pan and says,"this is your brain on drugs. Any Questions?" It seems that my mom had that experience when she read that darn article about pandas. Her brain just fried to cinders and now all she can think about are pandas! Life was much better (my life, anyway) when she was obsessed by cats. I could do no wrong. On the Table? no problem! Want to go in and out 40 times a day? Here, let me get that door for you! Life was sweet! Now I have to grovel, for cryin' out loud, just to get a couple of dried up cat treats. I ask you, is this any way to treat a creature that the ancient Egyptians worshipped as gods?

Panda On!


Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Funny how when you are out and about, you have all these great ideas about what you want to write about, and then, when you fire up the computer, your brain magically empties. Then you think: I might as well have a nap.

Sometimes I wonder if I might ever have an original thought, or if indeed, anyone ever has one? Why just last week, I was minding my own business, and the panda comes along, and claims that he's written a book! As if! Everone knows that while there are many cats that have authored books, to my knowledge, (and let's remember, cats know everything) there have been NO books written by pandas. Although we cats usually have to share the credit with our humans,(afterall, SOMEONE has to do the typing) we are the true brains behind the operation. Ask Stinky Pie Brown if you don't believe me. Her mom was writing all theis feminist intellectual LITERATURE, but the real money started pouring in when her cat got involved. I'm not making a value judgement, I'm just sayin'.

till next time,

Panda ON!

Miz B (for mehitabel)

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Welcome to the Panda Chronicles

Hi, and welcome to the panda chronicles! Mehitabel is allowing me to to make a few comments for her blog. I first became obsessed by pandas when I read a James Fallows article in the Atlantic Monthly about the panda ranches in China. OK they don't actually call them "ranches" but that's what I call them. I'll be posting cartoons about cats, pandas, and cats AND pandas. hope you like them.
Miz "b"